Saturday, 18 December 2021

Save Money When You Buy Mineral Water Online in Bulk


Save Money When You Buy Mineral Water Online in Bulk

There is no question whether or not you should buy mineral water online. The pandemic has not yet died down. And companies prefer that you buy their products online. The health benefits mineral water offers are so much that you cannot replace it with its filtered or purified variant. And getting natural spring water is not feasible for someone living in a city. The only way out is to get it from an online store. Even there, a budget constraint can come as a villain. The smart way out is bulk buying.

Saving money when buying mineral water online in bulk

When buying online, you save money, avail yourself of a healthy alternative for those addictive beverages and contribute towards helping the environment. Your savings come in the form of the cost of fuel you require for driving to and from a brick and mortar store. Furthermore, virtual shops let you avoid middlemen. This results in less money in the form of commissions and other rewards. Most of the time, stores transport these savings to consumers. Certain stores offer bottles of mineral water at wholesale prices when bought in bulk.

Buying mineral water online in bulk is also a practical option for families. Do the following to understand the scenario:

  • Calculate the amount of water you need.
  • Check the price of single-serve bottles your family needs for a week.
  • Check a dealer’s website and see the price of 20-25 gallons of water as per your requirements.
  • Compare the prices.

The calculation is sure to go beyond even your wildest imagination. Add this up to a year, and it is sure to be double.

Combine it with the discounts you can have with a coupon. If you are a first-time customer, the deal is sure to be sweeter.

Even then, focusing too much on saving money can cost you dearly in the long run. As it is said, you get what you pay for. If you are able to save at least 20% when buying in bulk, go for it.

Points to consider

Keep the following in mind when planning to buy mineral water online in bulk:

  • Get it from the manufacturer: With no middleman, you are sure to get the lowest price from the manufacturer website itself. Not every dealer that supplies a brand is the manufacturer. If the manufacturer has a dealer, it will inform you of the same and bring you forward to it through its website.
  • See if you have enough storage: See that you have enough space to store the items you buy in bulk. Otherwise, it is going to be a miss you would regret.
  • Consider your usage: When buying in bulk, see to it that you are using it. The advice never applies when you plan to buy mineral water online in bulk. Water is a must to survive. And there exists no question of wasting it.
  • Evaluate the price: Don’t go for the beautiful promise of a great discount. Calculate the price of a single unit. Check if you will get at least 20% savings if you buy in bulk.
  • Try to negotiate: You deserve at least a few dollars as savings if you buy in bulk. Negotiate prices with your seller. The deal you may come across maybe a pleasant surprise for you.

Lastly, don’t ever forget to check the expiry date. You should be able to use it at least one month longer than the time you plan to finish an item.

Buy mineral water online in bulk. Save money and remain healthy without compromising taste.

Monday, 15 November 2021

Looking Deeper Into the Ocean: The Importance of Sustainable Fishing


Looking Deeper Into the Ocean: The Importance of Sustainable Fishing

Climate change, pollution and overfishing are causing serious threats to life in the ocean. While on the surface it may seem that the condition of marine life is normal, the underlying fact is that there has been overexploitation of underwater life, leaving the sea and the ocean almost without fish. This is asserted in the latest report by the FAO, which highlights the importance of sustainable fishing and how it helps in the survival of marine life. Also, as per the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) report in 2018, fishing is the main threat to marine life. According to this report, almost 6 billion tons of fish and other invertebrates have been fished since 1950, leaving the sea almost bereft of life.  

Thus, it is the need of the hour that all necessary steps are taken to overcome the problem of overfishing and maintain the balance of marine biodiversity. Sustainable fishing is primarily important in this regard. It is a vital solution to save the environment by way of stopping the ravishing of the seas and oceans.  

The Importance of Sustainable Fishing

We all need to ensure that we are playing our part in guaranteeing environmental protection for a better and healthier future. Sustainable fishing is an essential step in ensuring marine life conservation. Listed below are six reasons stating the importance of sustainable fishing:

  1. Sustainable fishing thrives on the principle of respecting the marine ecosystem. It adapts to the reproduction rate of fishes and protects ocean biodiversity by maintaining the perfect balance among all underwater species. So, by practising sustainable fishing, we can get healthier oceans. 
  2. In the past, indiscriminate overfishing activities on our part have created a massive ecosystem imbalance that is crying out for immediate remedial action to stop further damage. It is important to note that overfishing not only endangers a particular species but it has a penetrating impact on the other animals in the ecosystem, and ultimately on the seafood we consume. It can cause a lack of important species of fish and give rise to greater health-related issues. Sustainable fishing can meaningfully contribute to global seafood security. 
  3. Sustainable fishing will help to develop a well-calculated fish stock. This is primarily beneficial for economies that are based on fishing practices. It generates and promotes healthier fishing employment and also leads to the development of small fishing-based communities. 
  4. Sustainable fishing uses healthy capture methods and avoids fishing of endangered or low-value species. It also minimises food wastage by making fishmeal from bycatch. 
  5. Oceans are the natural sources of almost half of the oxygen on earth. A disturbed marine system, where every aquatic organism faces a threat, can give rise to severe problems in the future. Oceans' reducing capacity of absorbing carbon and producing oxygen will have a detrimental effect on life on earth. Thus sustainable fishing is not only necessary for better fishing practices, but it will also promote a healthier living environment.
  6. It is also instrumental in reducing pollution by generating less waste and reducing the use of chemicals that damage the ozone layer. 

To Wrap Up

By implementing some meaningful measures, ocean conservation can be achieved by giving a new dimension to sustainable fishing. It aims at maintaining and respecting marine habitats to ensure that the ocean population continues to thrive in the future. 

Sustainable fishing needs to be adopted by following a planned shift from traditional fishing methods. Fisherfolk who decide to follow these fishing practices also need the assurance of a reliable market for their catch as their livelihood depends on it. Thus a holistic approach is needed when sustainable fishing comes into the picture.



Monday, 25 October 2021

Is TDS Normal In Drinking Water: Myths and Facts


Is TDS Normal In Drinking Water: Myths and Facts

Increasingly, we are becoming more aware of the food we consume, the water we drink, and the life we lead. While this is good thing, often it can be a double-edged sword. With a host of myths coming up around health and nutrition, it can be difficult to separate facts from myths.

One such major topic of dilemma can be TDS in drinking water. You might have heard the term or you might be more than familiar with it. But is it okay to have TDS in drinking water? And much TDS is normal in drinking water for it to qualify as safe? These are the kind of questions that often crop up.

So let us look at the various myths and facts around TDS and if it is normal in drinking water 

Myth # 1 

Normal TDS in drinking water should be down to zero


This isn’t true. Since TDS particles are extremely minute in nature, it is extremely difficult to get rid of each and every particle. Hence, it would be unwise to expect normal TDS in drinking water to be down to zero. In fact, as per the health authorities, drinking water with TDS levels below 150 PPM is considered safe and healthy for consumption. Hence, you should look out for drinking water with TDS levels below 150 PPM if you are looking for drinking water with normal TDS levels.

Unfortunately, when it comes to tap water or water purified at home, you have little way of measuring the TDS levels. This is because you need a sophisticated state-of-the-art system to do so. It is one of the key reasons why a host of health-consciously individuals are shifting to packaged drinking water to ensure it features normal TDS. 

Myth # 2

All TDS is bad for health


This isn’t true. TDS refers to total dissolved solids in your drinking water irrespective of their nature. Of course, our water sources are contaminated with harmful TDS such as micro plastics, toxins, and chemicals. This is owing to industrialization and other activities, which end up impacting our environment and natural resources, including sources of drinking water. This type of TDS is definitely harmful for our health, especially when such water is consume for extended periods of time.

However, TDS also refers to dissolved solids such as essential salts and minerals. These are extremely important for good health and should be present in drinking water. In fact, it is not only normal for such TDS to be present in drinking water, it is highly recommended. This is because such minerals are absorbed better by the body when present in water as opposed to present in food.

It is one of the key reasons why health-conscious individuals are increasingly switching to packaged drinking water with added minerals 

Myth # 3

Bringing down TDS to normal levels in drinking water is possible at home


Not all at home water purification systems are as effective in combatting high TDS levels. In fact, processes such as RO purification don’t just filter out the bad TDS, but also the good minerals and salts. This makes the process unhealthy. Further, the effectiveness of processes such as boiling water at home cannot be measured when it comes to filtering out the harmful TDS or retaining beneficial TDS. Hence, it isn’t an overstatement to stay that ensuring normal levels of TDS is not truly possible with tap water or water purified at home.

On the other hand, when you opt for packaged drinking water, the brand is obliged to be upfront about the TDS levels and the processes undertaken to ensure that the levels are below 150 PPM. For instance, every drop of Bisleri water comes with 120 PPM of TDS levels.

Myth # 4

It isn’t worth paying for packaged water with good TDS content or minerals


Packaged drinking with added minerals such as that offered by Bisleri comes with as many as 21 essential minerals. Moreover, these are made present in the right quantities for optimal health benefits. If you are wondering whether such normal TDS in drinking water can have a major impact on health, well these minerals are linked to physical health, mental health, and immunity related benefits. Since they are crucial for the smooth functioning of several vital organs and processes, any deficiency in the long run can result in severe health impact.

Hence, if good health is a priority for you, it makes sense to invest in packaged drinking with normal or recommended TDS content over opting for tap water and at-home purification processes.

Tuesday, 28 September 2021

4 Beverages To Consume During Your Period


4 Beverages To Consume During Your Period

Menstruation is a reality of life for all women, but not every woman goes through hellish period symptoms like painful cramps, headaches, night sweats, bloating, indigestion, flatulence, nausea, constipation, loss of appetite and a general low mood. The good news is that you can consume certain beverages that fight these troublesome symptoms associated with menstrual periods. Safe and tested by scores of women, they will help you, too.

In no particular order, these are our top 4 picks for beverages to consume during your period:

#1 Nua period nutrition drink

Period symptoms are quite severe for some women, while others don’t feel a thing during their monthly cycle. If you belong to the former class of women, take heart and sip on the Nua period nutrition drink to relieve the pain and emotional discomfort brought on by menstrual periods. The period nutrition drink contains safe and carefully curated ingredients, comprising a host of vitamins, nutrients like L-Theanine, inulin, grape seed extract and magnesium. The drink is known to reduce the visible signs of periods, like bloating and fatigue, apart from improving gut health and reducing breast tenderness. Your mood is also improved by consuming the drink – add one sachet every day to a glass of water and consume for five days.

#2 Chamomile tea

Chamomile tea has traditionally been consumed for its stress-relieving properties. A cup of chamomile tea before bed is known to promote sound sleep, reduced anxiety and even a lessening of mild aches and pains. This last property is useful in the context of menstrual cramps. This tea exhibits strong anti-inflammatory properties, thereby reducing bloating and period cramping pains. It also relaxes the tense muscles in the uterus, thereby significantly reducing the discomfort you feel in the lower abdomen during your period. Additionally, chamomile tea helps in improving your mood.

#3 Spinach juice

Most women do not lose a huge amount of blood during their period – on an average, you lose about 70 ml of blood in the first two days of your period, followed by reduced flow in the remaining days. Blood loss over 80 ml per day of the period is considered very heavy bleeding. If you routinely suffer from very heavy bleeding during your period, then you might feel weak and exhausted at the loss of blood. You should replenish the iron levels in your body by having a glass of spinach juice every day. Spinach is rich with vitamins (A, C and K), iron, folic acid, calcium, magnesium and important minerals. It regulates blood sugar, reduces anxiety levels, relaxes muscles and prevents anaemia, among other benefits. Have a glass of unsweetened spinach juice every day during your period to relieve period symptoms significantly. Spinach soup with onion, raw garlic and a dash of lemon is a good alternative if you can’t stomach spinach juice.

#4 Lemon water

Lemon juice added to warm water with a dash of honey is commonly consumed first thing in the morning to aid weight loss. However, it has excellent benefits for menstruating women. Lemon has anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties that improve skin and hair texture – these properties help keep excessive period-related skin oiliness, acne breakouts and limp hair at bay. Moreover, it hastens a sluggish digestive system, improves digestive tract function (say goodbye to constipation during your period) and is a diuretic that flushes out toxins from the body.

Which of the beverage options listed above did you like the most? Do you have your own go-to drink or food that keeps you in good health during your menstrual period? Tell us in the comments section below.

Saturday, 25 September 2021

Improve Your Gut Instinct With The Probiotic Supplements

Improve Your Gut Instinct With The Probiotic Supplements

In order to perform at its optimum capacity, the human digestive system requires all its components to function at full capacity. The gut is one among the biggest organs of the body and the digestive system, and it too has many different parts. One of the often ignored but essential parts of the gut is the micro-flora and fauna that grow within it. These micro-organisms play an essential role in the proper digestion and absorption of nutrients. But due to some reasons, this micro-ecology often gets disturbed, and the healthy gut bacteria disappear. This can lead to lots of digestive problems, and the only way to solve this issue is with the help of prebiotic and probiotic supplements.


Prebiotic and probiotic supplements from Wellbeing Nutrition


Wellbeing Nutrition uses a combination of prebiotics and probiotics to improve gut health. These can act as at-home remedies to stomach pain and gas and other common digestive ailments.


Probiotics are prepared from live bacteria that are beneficial for the gut. On the other hand, prebiotics are prepared from specific plants that provide a good source of fibres to the digestive system.


The probiotic supplements at Wellbeing Nutrition are prepared with the help of six different live culture strains. The prebiotic dietary fibers, on the other hand, are prepared from Chicory Root and Apple Pomace. These improve gut health by ensuring regular bowel movements.


A Wellbeing Nutrition supplement adds nearly 36 billion CFU of live bacteria to the gut with a single serving of the supplement. The probiotic supplements also have a special delayed-release nanotechnology. This helps the bacteria to survive the stomach acid and enter the gut in a healthy state. Wellbeing Nutrition claims that their supplements can work for up to 7 hours.


Uses of the prebiotic and probiotic supplements from Wellbeing Nutrition


The micro-flora and fauna that are introduced into the digestive tract with the help of these supplements, improve the digestive system:


·         Gas and bloating can cause stomach pain and discomfort and leave people feeling uncomfortable and unable to eat properly throughout the day. Probiotics and prebiotics can act as home remedy to stomach pain and gas

·         Gut bacteria can also alleviate the condition of people who suffer from regular bouts of diarrhea.

·         A healthy microbiome of good gut bacteria can neutralize toxins and help to detoxify the body.

·         The dietary fiber in prebiotic supplements can also reduce the problems of constipation and promote regular bowel movements

·         Good gut bacteria also improve the absorption of nutrients from the blood. This is essential for the overall well-being of the human body as they will not face any nutrient deficiencies

·         Prebiotic and probiotics also help to keep the colon in good health and ensure that no colon related issues can develop

·         People suffering from IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) can also take prebiotics and probiotics to improve their gut health and reduce their persistent digestive problems.


But patients who struggle with digestive issues regularly- gas, constipation, stomach pain, or something else, should always consult a doctor in order to find out if there are any deeper underlying causes behind their symptoms. Probiotics and prebiotic dietary fiber can be introduced with the doctor's approval if no serious complication is found.


Wellbeing Nutrition recommended dose


According to Wellbeing Nutrition, their prebiotic and probiotic supplements are only for consumption by adults who are allowed to take prebiotics by their physicians. They recommend that patients take one tablet a day every day for 21 days. This dosage can improve gut health effectively without too many chemicals being introduced into the body. The tablet has to be dissolved in a glass of water and then consumed.


The supplements are all designed to be hypoallergenic and are plant-based. There is also a GMP and QCS certification for the supplements which imply that it is safe for consumption by humans.


Good gut health is very important in order for a person to feel comfortable and productive throughout the day. It also improves individuals' overall health and well-being with better absorption of nutrients from the blood and removing excess toxins from the body.

Sunday, 19 September 2021

Why RO Doesn’t Guarantee Your Family’s Safe Health


Why RO Doesn’t Guarantee Your Family’s Safe Health

Pure and safe drinking water continues to remain a concern for most families in India. This is because water sources continue to face contamination owing to industrial pollutants, civic waste, and seepage of plastic and toxins into the geophysical ecosystem.

Hence, families are often lured by companies that promise to make pure and safe drinking water available at home by simply investing in water purification systems. However, some of these systems use reverse osmosis or RO to purify the water.

Unfortunately, this isn’t a recommended method for purifying drinking water. This is because reverse osmosis offers several health-related disadvantages. But before we get down to those, you must understand what exactly reverse osmosis does to purify your drinking water.

What is reverse osmosis

Reverse osmosis is a process that involves passing your drinking water through a membrane to filter out total dissolved solids or TDS from your drinking water. While you may think this is an effective way to get rid of harmful TDS present in the water, it is definitely true. Reverse osmosis or RO ensures water is free of any impurities, thus making it safe for your family’s consumption. While reverse osmosis is often used to treat hard water for non-drinking purposes, it results in several disadvantages while purifying your drinking water even though it ensures the water is free of any harmful particles.

Disadvantages of reverse osmosis

The biggest disadvantage of reverse osmosis is that it not only purifies the water of harmful TDS but also the good salts and minerals present in the water. Essentially, this is because the process cannot distinguish between the nature of TDS; it filters out all non-H2O ions and molecules present in the water. Hence, when you opt to drink RO purified water on a regular basis at home, you are depriving your body of various essential minerals that are best absorbed by the body when had with water. For instance, minerals such as calcium and magnesium are readily present in natural sources of water as compared to presence in foods, and hence, our bodies are better conditioned to absorb these when found in our drinking water.

Unfortunately, marketers selling RO purification systems do not highlight this disadvantage of reverse osmosis. However, lack of such minerals in the long run can lead to several health conditions and complications.

The healthier alternative to reverse osmosis

Fortunately, if you want to opt for drinking water that is as safe as water treated by reverse osmosis but without the harmful impact, you have a choice. You can opt for packaged drinking water that is treated using safe and quality tested purification processes. In fact, brands such as Bisleri offer packaged drinking water that is not only purified to get rid of harmful TDS, but they also add essential minerals in adequate quantities for a truly healthy drinking water experience.

They are able to do so owing to investments in state-of-the-art technology, quality assurance, standardization, and several other practices. More importantly, irrespective of the source of water and the traces of minerals that might be present, they ensure the recommended quantity of minerals per litre get added to your drinking water.

Hence, when you consume such packaged drinking water with added minerals, that is free from the disadvantages offered by the reverse osmosis process, you can be assured of a safe, pure, and healthy water consumption experience. This makes such drinking water ideal for everyone in the family – from children to seniors with health conditions.

Overall benefits of reverse osmosis-free water

Now if you are wondering what exactly is the impact of such drinking water with added minerals on your health, well, here’s what you need to know. Minerals such as zinc and magnesium are frequently linked to sound mental health, and a robust immunity. Further, minerals such as sodium and calcium play an important role with regards to physical health. They contribute to smooth blood circulation, proper functioning of the heart and liver, as well as impact your blood pressure regulation.

Of course, there are just a few examples and in truth, all such essential minerals, added in packaged drinking water that is free of any reverse osmosis disadvantages, go a long way in ensuring our good health. Hence, if you have been thinking of investing, or have already invested in a reverse osmosis-based water purification system at home, you need to rethink your decision.

You must consider the disadvantages of reverse osmosis on your family’s health in the long run and evaluate the benefits offered by packaged drinking water with added minerals. If it impacts your monthly budgets, perhaps you want to consider it as a health investment rather than link it to your grocery bills. This is because after all, water is the most essential element when it comes to our health.

Thursday, 9 September 2021

Corporate gift ideas that also save the environment


Corporate gift ideas that also save the environment

As a successful entrepreneur, you are well aware that the success of your organisation can be attributed to the persistent efforts of your workers. And the credit for those heydays also goes to your clients who have always believed in you. Hence, you must make an effort to woo them, and tell them that they matter to you and your company. How about gifting them eco-friendly gift sets on your organisation's 10th anniversary?

Our planet is the greatest gift given to us, and eco gift ideas are one step toward protecting our Mother Earth. Such gifts have the best of both worlds – a heartfelt message, as well as thoughtfulness associated with them. 

According to recent surveys, 62% of people are willing to spend extra money to buy eco-friendly gifts, but are bogged down as they are unsure what to buy. If environmentally-friendly gifts are what you are seeking to present to your clients and employees, here are some stunning gift options to consider.

Eco-Friendly Home Decor

Whether it’s putting a unique flower-pot on the mantelpiece or getting trendy printed curtains for the bedroom, people love to decorate their homes. And when it comes to eco gift ideas for the home, nothing can beat sustainable decor items. Give your workers a chance to revamp their place with something good for both their home and the environment. Eco-friendly home decor, such as wooden clocks, organic linen curtains, and bamboo furniture items, are great to please someone who loves nature. 

Sustainable Kitchen Cutlery

Eating food while knowing you are not damaging the environment is a feeling everyone would like to experience. So, how about presenting your corporate people with sustainable cutlery, and promote an eco-friendly way of living? Such cutlery is usually made from wood or bamboo and includes spoons, forks, knives, and stirring sticks.

These items have an aesthetic look and a textured feel that make them an ideal addition to your dining place. Plus, they are great for women who want to make a shelf-décor statement in their kitchen. Also, as these eco-friendly gifts for her are durable, they won’t break easily and will serve for a longer time.

Sacred Grove Cluster

If you love doing everything unique, a sacred grove cluster gift is an incredible option to go for. Thinking about how to gift someone a sacred grove cluster? Well, that’s as simple as 1, 2, and 3! Adopt a cluster of a sacred grove site in the name of a worker or client and let them know about it.

Once you adopt the biodiverse habitat, you will be able to keep track of it. This will eventually bring solace to you and the recipient’s mind knowing that you are caring for the precious planet in a way no one could imagine.

Natural Tie-Dye Kit

Nothing can please an art lover more than an eco-friendly tie-dye kit. Creating sustainable DIY tie-dye tees with natural art supplies is a project for the whole family. This gift idea will suit all creative-mind people. So, buy a natural tie-dye kit including organic white tees and gloves, bamboo stirring sticks, natural dyes, and natural rubber bands. Something your every co-worker or colleague will love!

Organic Beauty Gift Set

Give your employees and clients a chance to take some time out from their busy schedules and pamper themselves with organic beauty products. Plan to give them a gift basket or set with organic and toxin-free skincare staples, including herbal face wash, face mask, toner, serum, hand cream, and sunscreen. Get beauty ensembles that are formulated for all skin types. They are sure to make someone’s skin as well as their day brighter and radiant!


The thought of buying eco-friendly items is mesmerising in itself, let alone gifting them. And when it comes to eco-gift ideas for corporate use, there are a plethora of options to consider. So, get the ball rolling and buy these gifts for your employees and clients to let them experience the euphoria!

Monday, 30 August 2021

How To Order Water Can Service Online


How To Order Water Can Service Online

There are a host of reasons why it makes sense to order water can service online. It ensures you have access to safe, pure, and healthy drinking water at your doorstep, effortlessly. This becomes especially important when we consider the various health and purity-related challenges posed by tap water as well as water purified at home using processes such as RO. Water isn’t just an essential element, is it critical for our good health. Hence, the facility for ordering water can service online is a health benefit that you simply cannot afford to ignore.

There are a couple of things you need to keep in mind while ordering water can service online. When taken into consideration, they can save you immense inconvenience later. Some of these are:

Estimate your water requirement

While ordering water can service online, it is important to estimate your water requirement. This would vary greatly depending on the nature of your requirement – family consumption, event-based requirement, travelling companion, and so on. Depending your need, make sure you estimate an average consumption for every individual. For instance, if you are a family of 4 adults, you would require a minimum of a 10-litre water can for drinking purposes alone. So if you also want to factor in for cooking water and some buffer, you might want to order a 20 litre can or two cans to make up for 15 litres while paying for online for water can service. Similarly, if you are opting for water can service for your event or travel-related requirement, you might want to order multiple 20 litre water cans online. In fact, you may even want to consider opting for a water can with automation water dispensing feature for added convenience.

Arriving at an estimation before ordering your water can online save you from last minute reordering or having to make a trip to the local store to cover up for the deficit. Since this can often be cumbersome, it is best to be thorough will placing a water can service order the first time around.

Experience online ordering convenience

Once you have arrived at how many water cans you need to order, simply log on the official ecommerce website of a trustworthy brand such as Bisleri that offers doorstep water can service. This way, you are assured of authentic water cans reaching your doorstep, without any possibility of getting duped by anonymous ecommerce sellers.

Once on the website, you can select water cans as per size and units for delivery service to your preferred address. This saves you from the inconvenience of having to do with limited sizes or units in stock, which might be the case with a physical store. Make sure you consider the shipping time and make an informed decision after checking the estimated delivery date. After rechecking your cart and account details, you can go ahead and pay online for the water can service. You can use debit or credit cards or any popular e-wallet for the same.

Wait for your doorstep delivery and enjoy a safe water drinking experience

Once you have booked your water can service online, you can sit back and take comfort in the fact that clean, pure, and healthy drinking water will be delivered to your doorstep. You won’t have to carry heavy water cans from a store all the way to your house. More importantly, you can be rest assured about authentic, mineral water can being available to you for consumption. This is especially given the immense impact safe drinking water has on our health, and the amount of toxins and chemicals often present in tap water. In fact, mineral water carries several important salts and minerals with it, which are essential for smooth bodily functions. In the absence of the same, both, physical and mental health can get impacted.

To sum it up, ordering water can service online is fairly simple and easy. However, there are some small details to which, you must pay attention for a convenient and pleasant experience. Remember, ordering water can service online is one of the easiest ways to ensure safe and healthy drinking water experience at home or office. It is also a great option for your party, conference, or any other event-related needs. In fact, once you have benefitted from the advantages of ordering water can service online, you might also want to recommend it to others who are dealing with the challenges of ordering water can service from neighbourhood stores. Your recommendation could help them with their daily safe drinking water needs, or their specific, occasion-based needs. Either way, they are sure to appreciate your guidance on how to order water can service online, effortlessly.

Monday, 16 August 2021

Understanding probiotics, prebiotics, and dodging certain food to avoid acidity

Understanding probiotics, prebiotics, and dodging certain food to avoid acidity

 The human digestive system is a very complex mechanism. It involves the optimum balance of different enzymes and micro-flora in the gut. But at times, due to indiscipline lifestyle and bad eating habits. As a result, people suffer from various digestive issues like acidity and bloating and have to recourse to strong medications with many harmful side effects. So Wellbeing Nutrition has now developed their own product to solve digestive issues in a more natural way.

Wellbeing Nutrition – prebiotics and probiotics

Wellbeing Nutrition has been clinically certified to improve gut health. It is a mix of probiotics strains to promote healthy gut bacteria along with different prebiotic fibers.

Wellbeing Nutrition uses six different kinds of live culture for their probiotic supplements. The prebiotic fibers include Chicory Root and Apple Pomace. These prebiotic fibers provide food for the healthy gut bacteria in the probiotics. These two work together to improve digestion and boost immunity.

A course of probiotic supplements can help avoid acidity, reduce constipation, decrease bloating, prevent diarrhea, and help treat gut-related diseases.

Wellbeing Nutrition's Prebiotic and Probiotic treatments are high effective because they utilize a delayed-release mechanism to survive stomach acids and enter deep into the intestine. The probiotic supplements also contain around 36 million active live cultures per single serving of the supplement. This treatment regime can be very effective for those suffering from IBS or diabetes.

Other methods to improve digestion

But probiotics and prebiotics alone cannot solve the most common digestive problem of acidity. In order to find a remedy for acidity, there are certain food items that patients must avoid.

List of food to stop eating to reduce acidity- what you should not consume:

  • Fried foods- high-fat items, especially fried ones can further aggravate the digestive system of patients suffering from acidity and acid reflux. These include items like French fries and potato chips.
  • Spicy foods- people suffering from gastrointestinal issues should try to avoid very spicy food as it can lead to very severe discomfort and abdominal pain.
  • Certain citrus fruits like pineapples, oranges, limes, and lemons are believed to worsen symptoms of acidity.
  • According to some doctors, even some tomato-based dishes like tomato salsa and tomato sauce fall within the category of foods that can increase acidity.
  • Some patients even believe that beverages like tea, coffee, and carbonated drinks aggravate their digestive issues.

Apart from avoiding certain foods, some foods can act as a home remedy for acidity.

List of food to avoid acidity- what you should consume to reduce symptoms

  • Vegetables are low-fat foods that reduce acidity
  • Ginger is a very effective cure for heartburn
  • Lean meats like chicken, turkey, and seafood can reduce acid reflux symptoms.
  • Only egg whites are a good source of nutrition for patients suffering from intestinal issues.
  • Healthy fats in the form of flaxseeds, walnut seeds, avocados can minimize symptoms of acidity.
  • Oatmeal is rich in fiber and promotes good digestion
  • Some fruits, specially non-citrus ones like bananas and apples, are easy to digest for patients with acid reflux

Acidity is difficult to manage, but probitoic supplements, including certain food to avoid acidity and removing some specific items, are a good solution to the problem.

Friday, 16 July 2021

Exploring the Idea of Sustainability at Work: 5 Ways You Can Contribute

Exploring the Idea of Sustainability at Work: 5 Ways You Can Contribute


There’s no denying that the corporate world has added to the environmental turmoil impacting the Earth. One of the major reasons behind this is that we have overlooked the need to be sustainable at work. As a result, the goal of a sustainable work environment hasn’t become a reality yet.

With the planet battling against the burning issues of global warming, pollution, deforestation, loss of biodiversity, waste disposal, and so much more, it is high time that everyone wakes up to the need of creating and maintaining a sustainable work environment.

Wondering how you can do your bit and help save the planet? Here are 5 simple but effective ideas to promote sustainability at work.

1. Minimise the Use of Paper

Gone are the days when you had to use paper to jot down ideas, document things, or even print invoices. With the revolutionary emergence of digital and cloud computing solutions, it has become extremely easy to shift your focus from paper to a paperless way of doing office work. What’s more, these solutions can help you to perform in an efficient, streamlined, and organised way.

From an environmental point of view, making less use of paper results in less demand, and that can translate to fewer trees being cut down across the world.

2. Say No to Plastic

Plastic ranks among the top things that have been creating environmental hazards for the planet. According to UNESCO, plastic debris results in the deaths of over one million seabirds and 100,000 marine mammals each year. You can start fighting this menace by saying no to the use of plastic in your workplace.

Begin by giving up on plastic water bottles, disposable cups, and single-use cutlery. Go for stainless steel water bottles, reusable mugs, cutlery, etc., to curb the use of plastic in your day-to-day life in the office.

3. Bring In Indoor Plants

You don’t need to put in much effort to practise sustainability at work. Something as simple as introducing plants in your workplace can help you to become an environmental guardian.

Plants are a great way to introduce a slice of greenery in your workplace and uplift your office décor. They can also help to reduce your stress and boost oxygen levels in your office. As per research conducted by NASA, the soil microorganisms found in potted indoor plants can considerably reduce the air pollutants in an indoor environment.

You can take this further by opting for environmental volunteer opportunities and raising awareness about preserving greenery among your friends, family, and acquaintances.

4. Compost Food Waste

Are you aware that about one-third of the food produced for human consumption every year goes to waste? Now, this is around 1.3 billion tons of food, and it can feed 3 billion people! Won’t it be great if you can help reduce food wastage by repurposing the leftovers in your office?  

An easy way to do so will be to compost food waste. You can go for on-site composting or send waste to a commercial composting facility. Either way, you will have the satisfaction of not adding to the food waste problem but rather reducing it.

5. Opt For Sustainable Transportation     

Changing your transportation habits can make a big difference in your efforts of sustainability at work. Look for alternative modes of commuting such as walking to the office, riding a bike, or opting for a carpool ride with colleagues.

Another way to work around this problem is to opt for remote working and organising virtual meetings rather than travelling from one place to another for in-person meetings.

To Wrap Up

By opting to be sustainable at work, you can help create a healthy and eco-friendly atmosphere. Such efforts of turning into an environmental guardian will not only benefit you but also encourage your colleagues to follow your example.

So, why not take your first step towards sustainability at work?

Wednesday, 2 June 2021

What purposes does the 20-litre water can serve?


What purposes does the 20-litre water can serve?

Water plays an important role in our lives. Pure and healthy water not only quenches our thirst but also is used for cooking. It adds nutrients and minerals to our food, making it healthy to consume. 20-litre water can serve a small family and can be used in offices. To maintain hygiene these containers fit well with a push tap and stand mechanism.

Since the outbreak of the covid-19 virus, people are restricted to their homes, and hygiene is playing an important role in everyday life. Water can also be a source of transmitting various diseases. Therefore drinking water sources must be clean and safe.

India suffers from water scarcity throughout the year. During monsoons, rivers and lakes fill up but due to pollution, these waters remain unused. And communities depending on these sources suffer from several diseases but poverty restricts them from purchasing water. Therefore, one can boil this water for about an hour. This then becomes clean and safe to consume. Others consume tap water. Tap water is collected and treated at water plants, but yet they lack purity. There remain chances of being contaminated while travelling over long distances through water pipes.

20-litre water can from Bisleri is useful at homes and offices. Bisleri is a top packaged drinking water brand but due to its mineral content is often considered to be a mineral water brand. To know which brands are preferred, you need to check the TDS level mentioned over the containers. The Total Dissolved Salts affects the taste of the water and food prepared from it and health.

Bisleri promises to supply safe drinking water at your doorstep on one tap order through their official website. If you are willing to purchase a 20-litre water can, then you need to select the product, look into the plans, and order them. Plans can be either one time or subscription. Subscribed users get additional benefits and need not worry about water crisis on their water delivery dates.

Water maintains your body temperature. It is highly recommended to keep your body hydrated, especially on hard days or summer days. The water intake must balance the amount of water you lose while sweating. Water helps to get rid of toxic and unwanted substances from the body and keeps your organs working properly. 8 glasses on average should be consumed by every individual. Water contains minerals. These minerals play a vital role in our body performance. The right amount of water reduces weight, makes your skin glow, and improves hair texture.

India is one of the highly populated countries in the world and therefore water crisis is common. Mineral waters are collected from underground reservoirs and are treated in water plants. This reduces the excess minerals and keeps the vital ones in the right amount. Doctors have been suggesting patients drink 1 litre of mineral water daily. But drinking packaged water daily may not be a safe option. The reason is, it loses all the mineral contents after undergoing several treatments.

20-litre water can not only quench thirst but also will impart nutrition and the right amount of minerals to the body. It can be used for preparing food except for the ones having a TDS level above 1000 PPM. As it will change the food taste. Further higher dissolved salt levels can make your water taste salty or bitter. The right amount of minerals in the water imparts a sweet taste.

If you are conscious about your health along with your dear ones, then don't rush for unhealthy or cheap packaged water cans. It is better to invest in things that boost up your body functioning and keeps you healthy.

Thursday, 29 April 2021

Top 5 advantages of packaged drinking water

Top 5 advantages of packaged drinking water

 Packaged drinking water comes with a bevy of advantages of its own. It is often a necessity while traveling, going on business or leisure trips/vacations and even at meetings, conferences and also while entertaining guests at home. The quest for clean, hygienic and fresh water is a never-ending one and if you have the right packaged drinking water at your fingertips, then you stand to benefit greatly as well.

Here’s taking a look at the multifarious advantages of packaged drinking water:

  • Higher energy- Packaged water comes to you after being extensively purified and hence contains a beneficial fusion of nutrients and electrolytes. From sodium to potassium and other vital minerals, purified and packaged drinking water is a mixture of both. There are several crucial nutrients present such as Vitamins E and B among others. As a result, you naturally gain from more energy and this automatically enables greater productivity at the same time. Bottling water plants ensure that all impurities are dispensed with while essential water nutrients are maintained seamlessly at the same time.
  • Glowing Skin- Water will not only quench your thirst but also make your skin glow! Packaged drinking water is the best possible source for skin rejuvenation and also comes without impurities and chlorine. Hence, it positively reacts with your entire system, making the skin glow and cleansing it properly as well.
  • Weight Loss- Upon purification of water at any plant, it gets bereft of sugar and calories alike. Reports have indicated that mineral water is the best option if you wish to lose weight effectively. However, you should consume 2 litres each day for better health advantages.
  • Lower Heart Disease Risks- Drinking impure water with harmful elements is not recommended for your physical health and wellbeing. You should buy packaged drinking water since it will offer pure water that is good for the system. Mineral water may reduce levels of cholesterol and purified water may have magnesium and potassium that lowers risks of heart failures/diseases.
  • Convenience & Storage- Bottled and packaged water is highly convenient; you can carry it with you anywhere or purchase it almost anywhere in the country whenever you feel thirsty. The convenience of the product is a major benefit without a doubt. You can also store this water for a lengthy duration and the only requirement here is that you should keep the same in a suitable requirement. You should ideally store in the refrigerator, away from fumes, solvents and chemicals at all times. Unopened bottles of water may be stored indefinitely at times.

These are the five biggest advantages offered by packaged drinking water. It is the ideal solution which keeps you healthy, safe and secure at all times. Hygiene-wise, particularly in the current scenario, it is imperative that we take to packaged or mineral water whenever we are on the move and even at home if we lack pure water sources. This is why you should check out reputed mineral water brands in the market and choose your products accordingly.