Friday, 16 July 2021

Exploring the Idea of Sustainability at Work: 5 Ways You Can Contribute

Exploring the Idea of Sustainability at Work: 5 Ways You Can Contribute


There’s no denying that the corporate world has added to the environmental turmoil impacting the Earth. One of the major reasons behind this is that we have overlooked the need to be sustainable at work. As a result, the goal of a sustainable work environment hasn’t become a reality yet.

With the planet battling against the burning issues of global warming, pollution, deforestation, loss of biodiversity, waste disposal, and so much more, it is high time that everyone wakes up to the need of creating and maintaining a sustainable work environment.

Wondering how you can do your bit and help save the planet? Here are 5 simple but effective ideas to promote sustainability at work.

1. Minimise the Use of Paper

Gone are the days when you had to use paper to jot down ideas, document things, or even print invoices. With the revolutionary emergence of digital and cloud computing solutions, it has become extremely easy to shift your focus from paper to a paperless way of doing office work. What’s more, these solutions can help you to perform in an efficient, streamlined, and organised way.

From an environmental point of view, making less use of paper results in less demand, and that can translate to fewer trees being cut down across the world.

2. Say No to Plastic

Plastic ranks among the top things that have been creating environmental hazards for the planet. According to UNESCO, plastic debris results in the deaths of over one million seabirds and 100,000 marine mammals each year. You can start fighting this menace by saying no to the use of plastic in your workplace.

Begin by giving up on plastic water bottles, disposable cups, and single-use cutlery. Go for stainless steel water bottles, reusable mugs, cutlery, etc., to curb the use of plastic in your day-to-day life in the office.

3. Bring In Indoor Plants

You don’t need to put in much effort to practise sustainability at work. Something as simple as introducing plants in your workplace can help you to become an environmental guardian.

Plants are a great way to introduce a slice of greenery in your workplace and uplift your office décor. They can also help to reduce your stress and boost oxygen levels in your office. As per research conducted by NASA, the soil microorganisms found in potted indoor plants can considerably reduce the air pollutants in an indoor environment.

You can take this further by opting for environmental volunteer opportunities and raising awareness about preserving greenery among your friends, family, and acquaintances.

4. Compost Food Waste

Are you aware that about one-third of the food produced for human consumption every year goes to waste? Now, this is around 1.3 billion tons of food, and it can feed 3 billion people! Won’t it be great if you can help reduce food wastage by repurposing the leftovers in your office?  

An easy way to do so will be to compost food waste. You can go for on-site composting or send waste to a commercial composting facility. Either way, you will have the satisfaction of not adding to the food waste problem but rather reducing it.

5. Opt For Sustainable Transportation     

Changing your transportation habits can make a big difference in your efforts of sustainability at work. Look for alternative modes of commuting such as walking to the office, riding a bike, or opting for a carpool ride with colleagues.

Another way to work around this problem is to opt for remote working and organising virtual meetings rather than travelling from one place to another for in-person meetings.

To Wrap Up

By opting to be sustainable at work, you can help create a healthy and eco-friendly atmosphere. Such efforts of turning into an environmental guardian will not only benefit you but also encourage your colleagues to follow your example.

So, why not take your first step towards sustainability at work?