The current hot topic for the entire world is that of
environmental pollution. Heaps and heaps of garbage have piled on the sacred
space of our planet. The plastic wastage has crossed the limits over the years.
So much so that half of the planet is now a garbage bin of this
non-biodegradable waste.
Among such dark times, Bisleri has come forward to
protect our environment and save it from the dangers of plastic waste.
Plastic recycling
In an excellent initiative, Bisleri has come forward to
start plastic recycling where they take the used Bisleri water bottle and
convert it into useful commodities like T-shirts, shoes, bags, etc.
Benefits of plastic recycling
Bisleri plastic recycling has made a giant leap forward
in terms of creating a sustainable environment. This initiative has led to
A better way of plastic waste management and its
'Bottles for change' initiative creates
awareness about the segregation of waste, plastic recycling, among people
through several campaigns and drives.
It helps the waste collectors in their cause of
reducing pollution
The initiative supports child education as
Bisleri has partnered with NGOs
Recycling of plastic has provided products such
as cloth fabric, handbags, window blinds, etc.
To date, the Bisleri plastic recycling
initiative has successfully recycled an astonishing 3035 tonnes of plastic
along with supporting the underprivileged women and children of the society. It
has also garnered huge support from people as the initiative welcomes students
and adults to join in on saving the environment.